
Rediscovering The Divine Within.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Four Simple Steps to Manifest Anything

There are four simple yet powerful steps in the manifesting process. They are vital in directing your vibrational energy towards what you want to achieve. I have seen these steps work in my life many times, and I have seen things not work when any one of these steps are omitted.

1. Ask/Declare: Whatever it is you are wanting to accomplish or see happen in your life, you must set the energy in motion, or 'plant the seed'. Some refer to this step as praying, others as visualizing. However you describe it, the important thing is that you focus your thoughts on the desired outcome and BOLDLY declare it as Truth in your life.

Remember, there is tremendous power in the spoken word. It is literally the act of creation in process. The old saying, "Careful what you wish for, it might come true." is based on this principle. The Bible says ask and you shall receive. Choose your words carefully to speak your desires specifically and all will be set in motion. When you are ask-ing, you are expressing as-King.  Command your reality!

2. Believe: A common practice for those beginning their journey towards conscious living is to ask for something, or declare it as a possibility, but then tell themselves they can't do what it takes or will see little progress and believe they don't deserve what they are asking for.

Believing in yourself, or rather, having faith in YOU, is key to accomplishing anything, but to truly manifest your life intentionally, you must also believe or have faith that you DESERVE what it is you are as-king. If for no other reason than by virtue of being born, a fulfilling life is YOURS to claim!

3. Act: The purpose of this step is two-fold. In one sense, you must take action in the direction of your goal in order to keep yourself in the flow of creation. Nothing really grows in stagnant water. It also indicates that you must act AS IF your goal has already been achieved. If you desire something, but act like it's coming in the future, you emit a specific energy of keeping your goal in the future.

Suppose your goal is to become CEO of your own company. Thinking and acting like a CEO now will change your mindset into that of a CEO. The Universe has no choice but to correspond to your new 'way of being'. It's then up to you to just act on what is presented to you.

4. Receive: Of all the steps taken to realize our goals, this is the one that is most often overlooked. The hardest part of receiving is simply allowing it to happen. Many times people will set their mind on something and then, when it doesn't appear right away, they get frustrated and either quit or begin to look for evidence of failure.

Subconsciously, we engineer lots of ways to stay just under the radar so that, IF we fail, we fail small. Then if things do start to happen, we sabotage ourselves with doubt and suspicion. We get in our own way. If we could just focus on doing what we love, release our attachment to any given outcome and allow The Universe to do its work, what we desire will come to us. 

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M.Douglas Wolk is the founder of MOVEintoChrist and publisher of content which promotes personal empowerment through nourishing all parts of the Self. He is an ordained minister of Christ, relationship coach, and observational humorist who has devoted his life to create an awakening in consciousness of the divine within.