
Rediscovering The Divine Within.

Help Us Heal Childhood Trauma

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Over the past several months while facing my own dysfunctions in an effort to improve, a veil was lifted from my view. Once I saw through this veil, I could see all the toxic influences in my life for what they were. When this happened, every single ounce of self-doubt, shame, guilt, or blame I had felt at the hands of others MELTED AWAY INSTANTLY!!! I suddenly had a true sense of Inner Peace. An indescribable peace that surpasses all understanding!

I also realized that it took me so long to get that peace because I WAS ALLOWING myself to be manipulated by toxic forces, or 'demons'. I did so because my 'inner child' was so desperate to be held by it's parent, that he was willing to let ANYONE cradle him, even the devil himself.

The apology depicted below is just one example of a toxic trait exhibited by someone operating within dysfunction, often the result of childhood trauma (usually from parental neglect).

Both victims and abusers are created within a dysfunctional family unit, causing it to perpetuate from one generation to another. THIS MUST STOP! The longer we persist with things that are not okay, the more damaging the consequences become.

We must gain the courage to face these toxic traits, whether in ourselves or others, so we can develop a clarity which allows us to focus on healing the 'wounded inner child', nurturing it back into Self love by bringing 'parent and child together in your heart'.

“I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise I will come and strike the land with a curse of utter destruction.” (Malachi, 4:5-6)

Inspired by the above Scripture which ends the Old Testament, we are launching an initiative to end the 'generational curse' of dysfunction by bringing awareness to the toxic influences around us that are stopping us from growing emotionally.

Most existing efforts focus on symptomatic coping and recovery from domestic abuse after it has occurred. While we will include those resources, our vision is to facilitate healing by addressing the root cause of dysfunction, which is the damage to our inner child caused by early trauma.

To achieve this we have developed a multi-prong strategy, so the initiative will have several projects under the umbrella of the 'Ministry Of Vibrational Expansion (MOVE) into Christ', as the ultimate goal is to facilitate the 'return of Christ' from within each of us.


Visit our GoFundMe page to make a donation!

I am eternally grateful to The Most High for empowering me to step fully into my Purpose by providing, through my experiences, the Courage, Wisdom, and Clarity that I prayed for. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Love & Blessings!

Related Resources:
About MOVE Into Christ <--with contact form

#MoveIntoChrist #MakingExamples #TheReparentingProject #InnerChildWork #EndGenerationalAbuse #FaceIt2EraseIt #SpotIt2StopIt Revealit2Healit

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