
Rediscovering The Divine Within.

MOVE the Body

Manifest Our Vibrational Energy for the

Resources for nurturing the body temple!

Manifest Our Vibrational Energy

The energy created in these sessions will follow through the elements as described below:

EARTH - Foundation: Planting the seeds of intention and preparing our bodies for expansion, we ground ourselves and draw up our creative power. 

WATER - Rejuvenation: Entering the fluid state where all creation begins and flows through, we plunge into the Vibration we are building.

AIR - Awakening: From the gentle breezes of awakening to the whirlwinds of expression and movement, we break from our attachments and flow into our ascending energy.

FIRE - Transformation: Letting go and allowing the throes of transformation to consume and re-vitalize us, we unleash ourselves in passionate and uncontrollable ways.

SPIRIT - Connection: As the cycle winds down, we bask in the joy of our creative divinity and oneness, letting the energy of unity hold us with our intentions.

SELF - Integration: Melting back into the earth with meditation, deep breathing, and soft kirtan chanting to bring our circle to a close and our community together as one.

To book or schedule a MOVE event at your facility, please reach out using the contact form on the right side of this page or send an email to Thank you!